Evo Systems supports Wheaton in the creation of the BPM area
The diagnosis and recommendations for improvements proposed by Evo Systems allowed Wheaton to expand IT maturity and implement good practices

The current scenario increasingly requires companies to complete processes within the deadline, more assertiveness in decision-making, reduction of expenses and always very aggressive goals. To face this challenging scenario, Business Process Management is different from traditional management, as it evaluates the set of activities and tasks that make up the process, independent of the department that executes it to achieve operational performance gains. In this way, the manager of a process has the ability to manage the activities of professionals from any department that your process uses. According to Leonardo Dias, managing partner of Evo Systems, because of the need for monitoring and analyzing data, BPM is a discipline that strongly needs information systems.
And to accompany an efficient internal digital development, the IT area must also exercise a leadership position and its suggestions become mandatory procedures within the company, so that the systems can be integrated and functional and advance towards Industry 4.0.
And it was with an eye on operational technologies, which Wheaton's IT area launched in 2019, the initiative to create a BPM (Business Process Management) area and set up a BPM methodology to use the experience of managers and conceptual references to create indicators and promote the continuous improvement of the company's business processes. The area was starting important projects, but still lacking experience/maturity, as it had not executed projects before, it found in Evo Systems a partner to help assess how this work was going and generate suggestions to face the challenges. “ Evo Systems supported us in the beginning of the structuring of the process area, carrying out a diagnosis of the maturity of the area and the main customers. In this diagnosis, critical points were identified for prioritizing in the area's evolution roadmap”, explains Hugo Zambotti, IT and Process Manager at Grupo Wheaton Brasil.
Evo Systems is an innovation consulting firm that specializes in applying cutting-edge software engineering as a drive to leverage business and has assembled a SQUAD of BPM experts to serve Wheaton.
The work started by understanding the strategic vision and existing initiatives, then analyzing the maturity of the Wheaton team and the short-term challenges. With this understanding, it was possible to define improvement actions in a planned way with actions in the pillars of people, tools, processes and project techniques for an increase in BPM maturity. “We evaluated the BPM initiative that existed at Wheaton, we understood the needs and then recommended from small adjustments to changes in approach in project documentation and planning, as well as the creation of project metrics, always respecting what already existed and was well built. Our intellectual work in the BPM methodology was carried out in partnership so that Wheaton can reap fruits and results regardless of our interference in the future”, explains Leonardo Dias, managing partner of Evo Systems.
Among the benefits achieved, Evo Systems provided the improvement of the model of the new area, proposing new ideas and recommendations, assisting in the planning and results. “I highlight the recommendations generated on project management, mainly for engaging the business areas, and also the recommendations for selecting and adopting digital technologies as part of process improvement solutions”, concludes Zambotti.
The current scenario increasingly requires companies to complete processes within the deadline, more assertiveness in decision-making, reduction of expenses and always very aggressive goals. To face this challenging scenario, Business Process Management is different from traditional management, as it evaluates the set of activities and tasks that make up the process, independent of the department that executes it to achieve operational performance gains. In this way, the manager of a process has the ability to manage the activities of professionals from any department that your process uses. According to Leonardo Dias, managing partner of Evo Systems, because of the need for monitoring and analyzing data, BPM is a discipline that strongly needs information systems.
About Wheaton
Present in the country since 1952, the Wheaton Group is specialized in the production of glass packaging for the perfumery and cosmetics, pharmaceutical, food and domestic utilities industries.
National leader in supplying the perfumery and pharmaceutical markets, and one of the five largest facilities in the world, the Wheaton Group has 4 continuous ovens feeding 23 production lines in addition to decoration services.
Wheaton values excellence in customer service, employing cutting-edge technology and differentiated design. The production of glass, decoration and manufacture of molds and equipment at the São Bernardo do Campo site allows the company to offer complete and innovative solutions in glass packaging, with a shorter response time to the needs of its customers and the market.

Create a BPM area from scratch with experience practice.

Contracted project
Business Process Management (BPM) Service

Customer testimonial

Among the benefits achieved, Evo Systems provided the improvement of the model of the new area, proposing new ideas and recommendations, assisting in the planning and results. “I highlight the recommendations generated on project management, mainly for engaging the business areas, and also the recommendations for the selection and adoption of digital technologies as part of process improvement solutions”, - Zambotti, IT and Process Manager of the Wheaton Brasil Group
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