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Evo Systems implements facial recognition technology for BASF

Basf's Onono is an innovation space that will serve visitors completely digitally. The Go Visit technology has been customized so that visitors can access the Rochaverá building simply through facial recognition.

BASF - Go Visit.png


BASF, a leading innovation and technology company, was looking for an advanced solution to improve visitor reception at its science and digital experience center, onono. The need was clear: to provide an efficient, secure and proactive entry experience for visitors during events.


Evo Systems has implemented the Go Visit solution, a facial recognition technology developed by the company, and transformed the way visitors are welcomed at onono. The solution allows visitors to register for events using a selfie. On the day of the event, all they have to do is go to the Go Visit Totem, where facial recognition generates a QR code for entry at the turnstile, eliminating the need to go through reception.


Go Visit was implemented in a 100% integrated manner, guaranteeing a smooth and efficient experience for visitors. The main features include:

  • Advance Registration: Visitors register with a selfie before the event.

  • Facial Recognition: On arrival, the Go Visit Totem performs facial recognition, generating a QR code for quick access.

  • Proactive Reception: The solution includes an inference system (matchmaking) that triggers, via messages, the most appropriate BASF representative to receive the visitor based on the company informed and BASF's service record.

A implementação do Go Visit trouxe inúmeros benefícios para a BASF, incluindo:


  • Eficiência e Agilidade: Visitantes podem acessar o espaço onono rapidamente, sem filas ou burocracia.

  • Segurança Aumentada: O reconhecimento facial proporciona uma camada adicional de segurança.

  • Experiência Melhorada: A recepção proativa e personalizada potencializa o networking e melhora a experiência dos visitantes.


Evo Systems' Go Visit solution was implemented at Onono.

Customer testimonial

“We have an open innovation area and we are always looking for innovations that can bring more security, productivity, practicality and a better user experience. This is what we found in Evo Systems' solution, which accepted the challenge of adapting the Go Visit product to integrate with the BASF environment and with other partners in our innovation ecosystem,” says Edson Akiyama, Senior Digital Transformation Manager for South America at BASF.

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